God’s Love For Us — December 2016

Dec 2016 cindy star

Once upon a star-filled night, a baby was born that brought a new sense of hope and promise to our world. It happened in a stable with only Mary and Joseph there to witness and bless his humble beginning. I can only imagine how they must have felt, birthing this new child into the world and wondering what life would hold for him.

When I read and reread the story of Jesus’ birth, I always smile and pause at the words: “But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” It reminds me of the precious experiences and words that  I treasure in my heart. Sometimes that is all we can do. And it is enough.

Advent and Christmas can be a very rich time in our faith journeys. When we step back from the busy secular schedules that hold so many unrealistic expectations, we can find a sense of peace in times of quiet reflection. It can be as simple as lighting a candle in the dark, holding a sleeping child, sitting quietly with a loved one, or just
stopping in the midst of the chaos to ground ourselves with our breath.

During this season as we once again listen to the stories of Jesus’ birth and life, we come to know our God in a deeper, more intimate way. We become aware of the true depth of love God has for us, all of us, each one of us. And we learn about the kind of life we are called to live as followers of this one called Jesus.

May these be your gifts during Advent and at Christmas – the love of family and friends, a renewal of faith and hope, and an awareness of God’s presence and deep love this day and always.

Peace & Joy!

Pastor Cindy