A Note From the Finance Team

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This is a time like no other that we have had to face at Asbury UMC. We are so fortunate to live in an era when technology helps us stay connected. How great it is to have our Sunday service delivered to our homes during a time when it is not safe for us to congregate!

One other benefit of technology that we can embrace during this challenging time is Electronic Giving. We have the ability to ensure that Asbury receives our monetary gifts without us having to think about it! It’s easy to do!  Please call the church office, 624-0061, and Shirley will send you an EFT form. Please fill it out, choose the date(s) for your donation to be made, provide a voided check, send the completed form and voided check to Shirley and she will get it set to go!

We understand that financial circumstances may change during difficult times but we hope that, if you are able, you will keep up with your financial gifts to Asbury so we are able to keep our ministry going. Even without meeting regularly, we have the same commitments financially we had when the year started.

If an electronic option isn’t right for you, please send a check/offering envelope to the church at 6822 Grand Ave., PO Box 7135, Duluth, MN 55807.

If you have any questions or concerns, any member of the Finance Team would be happy to answer them for you. Thank you.    — Judi VanDell, Finance Chair