Asbury’s Re-Opening Plans


Greetings friends!
I know that we are all excited to be returning to the places and activities that add meaning in our lives. Church is one of those spaces! As we return to gathering in our Sanctuary and building, there are precautions that need to be taken and best practices that need to be followed. We as a church will continue to explore ways to connect and encourage one another – as we come together and for those who cannot join us in person. Our intention is to return to in-person worship on July 26 with the following guidelines in place. We also hope to live-stream the worship online at the same time. I hope that you will be able to join us in some way.

Blessings and Peace, Pastor Katherine

Asbury UMC Sanctuary Worship Guidelines for COVID-19 Re-opening Plan

  1. Please enter through the main front doors ONLY for Sunday
    Worship Services. The downstairs door will be locked. Plan to come a few minutes earlier than usual.
  2. There will be NO coffee time BEFORE or AFTER the service until further notice.
  3. We are requiring masks to be worn while in the building.
    Please bring your own and put it on before entering.
  4. Social distancing markers will be in place at the entrance. Each household group is asked to wait at the respective marker until the next position is free.
  5. Entering the Narthex, you will come to a table. Please use hand sanitizer first.
  6. Attendees entering the building will be asked to sign in on the contact tracing sheet. You may use a pencil from those available and then drop the used pencil into the basket provided to be cleansed. This information is only to be used if COVID-19 illness occurs and notification and contact tracing is needed.
  7. Bulletins will be available. Please only handle your own bulletin. Feel free to take it home or to drop it in the recycle bin as you exit.
  8. Offerings may be placed in the collection plates on your way to your seat or as you exit. Please don’t linger in order to maintain the flow while entering and exiting.
  9. Please maintain a 6-foot distance from everyone not in your household at all times throughout the service.
  10. It is recommended you avoid shaking hands, hugging, fist bumps, or personal contact in order to protect all.
  11. You will be directed to fill the front pews first keeping 6 feet between individuals not from your household. Six-foot markings are on the pew cushions. Please use these to maintain proper distances as you fill the pews. Every other pew will remain empty and is taped off.
  12. There will be NO SINGING during worship until further notice. Please keep masks on throughout the service including during group prayers.
  13. When the service ends, please remain seated until Pastor Katherine dismisses your row. As you exit, please maintain a 6-foot distance between you and others and make space outside the door for others to come through. You may have outdoor conversation away from the entrance with safe social
    distancing practices.
  14. As a reminder, it is recommended to avoid touching your face and to wash your hands often.
  15. If you use the bathroom during the service, please wipe down each surface you touch including handles and light switches with a cleaning wipe before leaving the bathroom.

Thank you for your attention and compliance with these measures to keep us all protected and healthy.