Beginning Again — July 2023


It’s time to check in and then begin again!

At the beginning of the Summer I set a goal for myself to be a little more active. I decided to join my sons in their quest to run 300 miles during the Summer. I chose to join them on bike. So it’s time to check in. I’m not as far as I’d like to be, but I have been more active each day so I call that a win.

How is your Summer or year going? Have you set some goals? Did you set resolutions at the beginning of the year?

One thing I love about our journey of faith is the invitation and ability to check in for accountability, recognize where we are, give ourselves grace for the road, and then begin again. If you aren’t exactly where you want to be, take a deep breath, know that no matter what you are loved, and God invites you to keep on, joining God in God’s work — beginning again.

So I invite you, here in the middle of the year, to take a glance back and see if you are on track for what you wanted to do this Summer or this year. Then, take a deep breath and name your next best step.

If you haven’t set any goals, perhaps you could try something new? We will be having a Blessing of the Animals service on Wednesday, July 19 at 6:30 pm. Why don’t you join us!

Or perhaps your goals are more service minded — join us on August 1 at our National Night Out picnic where we will pack shower kits for CHUM. Whatever your goals, remember that you have a community of faith that wants to walk with you to achieve them.

Have a happy Summer and I look forward to our next update where we can celebrate, and then begin again.

Blessings and Peace,