Building Connections

February 23 PK

In these long winter months before the weather warms and the snow melts, I am tempted to retreat into my room and curl up with a good book or perhaps drown myself in leftover Christmas Hallmark movies. However, in the true spirit of the rugged Northland, I am reminded getting out and about and building relationships and community is a healthier practice.

This month we have several opportunities for getting out, meeting new people and delving into the mission and ministry of Asbury UMC. We exist to serve, grow, build and bless our congregation, the community and the world. We begin with pasty sales and Scouting Sunday at the beginning of the month.

We then are invited to join with other West Duluth churches and the Riverfront Community in the Winter Out West event on February 11. Join us to experience the wonders of West Duluth in the wintertime (and make sure you sign up to help pass out s’mores!). A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex.

Finally, we conclude our month with the beginning of the Lenten Study on “The Six Conversations” by Dr. Heather Holleman. During Lent we will be looking at conversations that Jesus had with those around him and studying how conversations help us have better connections with one another.

Dr. Holleman invites us to “imagine better conversations and introduces the Four Mindsets of a loving Conversation, along with all the best practices for enjoying great conversations.”

No matter if you feel like you are an expert with connecting with others, or would like to gain some experience, we are called to build connection. So join us as we explore and learn, stretch our comfort places, meet new people and grow in our ways of interacting in the world!

Even in the cold and snowy days of winter, Asbury UMC is a wonderful place of warmth and light! I look forward to seeing you along the way!

Blessings and Peace,
