Communications Team News


In the summer of 2022, Pastor Katherine and Asbury Church Leadership issued a call for persons interested in helping the church “get the word out about the amazing events and activities that go on” at Asbury United Methodist Church.

The presenting challenge was for a team of people to brainstorm together about how to communicate the wonderful opportunities available to church members, the community around the church, and outside organizations which consider Asbury UMC home for their meetings, support groups, and more. In August 2022, a small group came together – Alice Brenny, Dawn Jones, Sue Baker, Cathy Sampson and Pastor Katherine – to begin that brainstorming process.

Generally, the group meets monthly to review upcoming activities and events and to decide how best to get the word out. The first communication effort was focused on persons using the Asbury parking lot for “Boo at the Zoo”. The team had “welcome and information” slips created – thank you, Shirley, for your wonderful creativity and help. We attached a package of fruit snacks to the slip and on each of the three Saturdays of Boo at the Zoo, we attached the snack slips to the windshields of the vehicles in the parking lot.

Recently, we asked that a bulletin board be installed in the Fellowship Hall near the back door as a place to post current events to catch the eye of those groups that use the Fellowship Hall for their activities – Yoga, the MS Support Group, Bone Builders – and other visitors that we welcome to Asbury to pick up pasties, donuts, apple pies, Fall Pantry items, participate in the rummage sale and/or Advent Tea, and more. This bulletin board is meant to be “dynamic” meaning that the information will be current and changed frequently.

An ongoing communication tool is the “Upcoming Events” slips that are inserted in all the outgoing bags of goodies that are purchased during the pasty sale, drive-through meatball dinner, the Fall Pantry and the rummage sale. We have received feedback that people save those listings and look forward to the next event.

The work of communication is an ongoing, intentional effort. The Communications Team welcomes your input, ideas, and good communication intention in your own committee work. Watch for future updates and communication from this Team. Consider joining this Team, too. New members are welcome. It’s been fun work to brainstorm ideas about spreading the word about all of Asbury’s various activities.