Finding Sacredness

November 22 PK

This month, we turn our attention to pumpkins, fading fall colors, bringing in the harvest, bountiful tables, gratitude, and relationships. We have spent some wonderful time together as a church family making pasties, pies, meatballs and donuts and now … we take a breath. That’s right, we pause before awaiting the coming of Christ into the world.

During this pause we can be grateful for many things and opportunities. On November 6, All Saints Sunday, we take time to remember our loved ones who have gone on to be with God more fully. In remembrance, we carry the love and lessons these Saints taught us to lift and sustain us in our journeys. Though we carry grief for those who are gone, we also celebrate their complete healing and fulfillment.

Another opportunity for gratitude lies in our relationships with one another. Both relationships which we celebrate and appreciate as well as those more challenging. Recently I had a conversation with a mother who shared her thankfulness for the person driving slowly when she is in a hurry. She offered “Thank you for the reminder to slow down and be patient.” Jesus reminds his followers everyone can do good to those who are good to them. The true challenge is to welcome and find gratitude in the face of people who are not thoughtful and kind.

In order to find such gratitude, I turn to wonder. I ask ‘what can I learn from this person’ or `How can I grow in this situation’? As I turn to wonder in one situation, I have found it easier to go there again. It is a practice that needs to be exercised in order to grow.

So I encourage you this month as you delve into gratitude. Allow yourself to explore the challenging days and wonder about finding gratitude within them. Mary Mrozowski notes that “Everything around me includes and hides the sacred.” Let’s look for and discover how we can be grateful and find sacredness in and around us each day!

Blessings and Peace,
