God’s Promise — May 2019

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The Easter story begins in darkness, at a time that was not yet light. Mary was eager to go to Jesus’ tomb, making her way in the darkness. She didn’t expect God’s miracle of resurrection grace but Mary discovered that the rock had been rolled away, the tomb was empty, and she heard Jesus softly speak her name – Jesus has risen! She ran as fast as she could to tell the others.

One of the important messages of Easter is of eternal life, and the promise that our physical death is not the end of us, or our loved ones. Easter also reveals to us that even while we are still physically alive, there are parts of us that can actually die away and be made new.

Very often when I officiate at a funeral or memorial service, I include a quote from Jim Taylor’s paraphrase of Psalm 23. It ends with these words; “In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with me.” All through life, I have found goodness in people. When life ends I expect to be gathered into the ultimate goodness of God.”

As Christians facing death, we believe that when our life on this earth, our mortal life has ended, we have the assurance that death is not the end – but a journey on to a new kind of beginning.

It is interesting to note that after Jesus’ resurrection, his followers were terrified. They hid behind locked doors, and didn’t have a clue what to do next. I often wonder if it was because they could feel that it wasn’t only Jesus’ resurrection that changed them, but their own.

Which brings me to another promise of Easter. I believe our faith is clear in stating Jesus’ resurrection is not only the resurrection of those who have died, but also the resurrection of the living. Out of the chaos of the survivor’s life, stability will emerge and the world will be re-created in a new way. Out of the pain of the one who suffers comes a sense of healing and wholeness, a renewal of spirit. Out of the confusion and fear of those who struggle to find the right way in life, to do the right thing, a sense of direction, a glimmer of light becomes clear to guide our way.

We are blessed with the messages and promises of Easter:

  • It means Love from God and by God even when we feel most unlovable.
  • It is Acceptance by God even when we think we should not be allowed near God.
  • It means Forgiveness for the times we have lost our way and brought harm to ourselves and/or others.
  • It holds the Possibility for a new beginning, for new life to rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes of our experiences.
  • It is an Opportunity – a God-giving
    opportunity to live as Easter people, as
    people of grace.

Living in this grace, means living in the grip of transforming love, literally allowing God to change us, to transform us, even when we want so desperately to stay the same, to remain in what we know.

We have good news to share this Easter because the truth of the story is that in the end love is stronger than hate, life is stronger than death, and that the power of evil can never, ever
conquer the power of goodness made know in and through Jesus.

This is not just our hope. . .
This is God’s Promise!

Pastor Cindy