Gratitude and Love — June 2019


In a few short weeks I will be retired! Time is going by so quickly and now here I am writing my last Messenger article.

The question that has been on my mind for quite a while is simply “How do I say good-bye?” In many ways I guess the good-byes began months ago. Each event, each worship service, each ministry or program, I am reminded this will be my last here at Asbury UMC as your pastor. The feelings are so mixed: sadness about leaving, excitement about retirement, but what I feel most is the overwhelming feelings of gratitude and love.

In these seven years of ministry together so much has happened. I have shared in very significant faith and life events with you,
including weekly worship, baptisms, weddings, funerals/memorial services, ministries of outreach, pastoral care, confirmation, education, a mission trip and the list goes on and on. I will always remember the deep, meaningful ways our faith provided encouragement, challenge, support and love from and to one another on our own unique journeys of faith.

How do I say good-bye? Maybe I will just say thank you. Thank you for being in ministry with me. Thank you for being open to new things. Thank you for helping me grow in my faith and being willing to grow in yours. Thank you for sharing your children and youth with me, they have brought me such joy! Thank you for your faithful ministry in Jesus’ name.

I pray God’s continued presence and guidance as you begin a new journey in your lives as a community of faith. And, I celebrate with you the appointment of Rev. Katherine Cornell as your new pastor.

Many people have asked what I plan to do in retirement. For now, this next journey will include more time of “being” rather than doing with travel, exploration, writing, learning, growing deep and enjoying the great outdoors with Jim. Yes, another
amazing blessing from my time at Asbury was meeting Jim early one morning with both of us wearing hairnets and making pasties in the church basement! That has been the beginning of another wonderful adventure!

It has been a privilege and blessing to be here in ministry with you, the faithful people of Asbury United Methodist Church. I will always treasure my time with you.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Cindy