Introducing Rev. Katherine Cornell — April 2019

K. Cornell

On Thursday, March 7, Susan Nienaber, Big Waters District Superintendent, introduced Rev. Katherine Cornell to the Staff Parish Relations Committee as the new pastor Bishop Ough will appoint to Asbury UMC. The SPR committee affirmed the appointment. Here is some information about Katherine from her Appointment Brochure:

Call to Ministry

I feel called to help every person I encounter take a step closer to God. As an ordained elder in the United Methodist church, I seek to demonstrate God’s radical love and care to every person not only for their own growth and fulfillment, but as instruments for God’s redemptive grace in the world. Through the administration of the sacraments, preaching from God’s Word, and ordering the life of the church I seek to live out God’s call of love.

 Gifts for the Ministry

I love to lead worship and have experience leading different worship experiences. I love to preach God’s good news as well as teach about spiritual disciplines such as centering prayer, lectio divina and the labyrinth. I am a good listener and abide well with people in many situations and circumstances. I believe my desire to collaborate and bring people together facilitates efforts to reach new people and heal a broken world.

Vision of the Church

The church is called to be the embodiment of Christ in the world. As we come together, we are called to be a community of reconciliation and forgiveness that invites people into a transforming relationship with God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through our participation as members of the body of Christ we are called to care for the least and the lost, as well as take action to speak against the evil and injustice in the world.

Appointment History

  • Prospect UMC in Archdale, NC and Pleasant Hill UMC in Thomasville, NC; 2017-presently
  • Henson Chapel in Vilas, NC and Mabel UMC in Zionville, NC; 2010-2017
  • Christ UMC in Gastonia, NC; 2007-2010 (associate pastor)
  • Centenary UMC in Winston-Salem, NC; 2001-2005 (associate minister to children and their families)


My husband, Brian, and I have been married for 19 years. Brian is also a United Methodist minister and will be serving Northwood UMC in Esko and Norton Park UMC in Duluth. We have four boys: Michael (15), James (13), Paul (13), and David (11). We also have a large black dog named Zeus. Our family enjoys playing games, cooking, reading, and walking with the dog.