Journeys — 2019

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Bilbo Baggins says, “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Journeys can be dangerous things, and yet, if we are followers of Christ, we are all called to be on a journey. Christ says that the journey to follow him is not one that leads on the easy path, but rather is one that involves taking up a cross and following.

Paul reminds us that as followers of Christ, we are to decrease and Christ must increase in our lives. We are also reminded in the Gospels that we are not on this journey alone, but rather we travel together in community with others.

I am currently in the middle of a few journeys in my life. This week I have ridden a bike from Hickory, NC to Lake Junaluska, NC – a journey of 140 miles and many thousand feet of elevation change – with 14 other travelers including my oldest son, Michael.

Next week I will head to the beach for a week with my family. These past months we have been packing and loading boxes and bags in preparation for our move. In a few weeks, Brian and I will pick up our dog, Zeus, and head our van “Lil’ Ebe” north to journey to Duluth.

As I journey, I am reminded though the journey can be hard at times, the community is there to travel with me. Even when was biking alone for a spell, I knew there were companions ahead and behind me who would help.

In the coming weeks and months, we will meet and begin our journey together. I am excited about the possibilities. I’m excited about building relationships and community with you so we can support and encourage one another wherever we are in the journey.

I’m excited to see where we will get “swept off to” as we follow Christ together. And, I’m excited to hear your stories along the way!

Blessings and Peace,
