Looking Towards the New Year–January 2021


Happy New Year and welcome 2021! The end of December and first of January is usually a time when we take stock of the year before and set goals for the coming year. I know that I have spent much time over the years on New Year’s resolutions — most get dropped by mid-month, but I’m always glad for the restart!

I am also, like many of you looking forward to the new year for possibilities of renewed engagement. Though it will probably be a while yet, I do hope that we might be able to return to some of our “normal” church behaviors — Sunday worship WITH Fellowship time before and after, Sunday School, hugs and handshakes after church, more abundant service opportunities, and, of course, meatballs, pasties, pantries, pies and doughnuts!

But there are also several things that I want to continue from our time apart. First of all, I’m
thankful for the live streaming of our services. That’s here to stay, so if you’re sick or travelling you can still tune in.

Secondly, I want to remember the lessons we’re learning in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd and so many others. There has been an awakening in our country — a renewed look at racism and the depths at which it harms all of us. Let’s continue on this exploration and enter the hard work that goes along with it.

Finally, the value of being together, part of the community has been emphasized when we can’t so easily enjoy fellowship together. And so as we look towards gathering again, we can cherish each person and keep our eyes open for who is missing from our table. Who else could we reach? Who else could we invite?

As we look towards the new year and return to our new normal, what are your hopes and dreams? Where are you being led to pick back up or start something new or different?

May we each find in this new year that our journey with God and one another continues and grows. For that is truly my hope and prayer for each of us! 

Blessings and Peace,
