March FoodShare Campaign 2023

March Campaign

During the entire month of March, all donations to CHUM’s Emergency Food Shelf are proportionally matched by the Greater Minnesota Council of Churches. Asbury UMC can help by contributing cash and/or food donations. Cash donations are favored as the Food Shelf is able to stretch cash donations to purchase much more food.

Please mark your monetary donation as CHUM Foodshare on the memo line or envelope and drop into the collection plate on Sundays or mail to 6822 Grand Ave., Duluth, MN 55807.

A table is set up in the Narthex for food donations. Asbury has elected to focus on donations of foods most needed by CHUM: peanut butter; canned soups, stews and chili; canned fruit; canned beans; Pasta Sides; Rice-A-Roni.

If you would like to make a food donation, please drop items off on Sunday mornings or during the week (always best to call first to confirm someone is in the office, 218-624-0061).

We will collect from March 1 through March 30. The Food Shelf continues to be busier than average and are in need of a lot of donations to help get them through the coming months. Thank you for your support.

— Asbury’s Outreach Team