Muscle Memory — October 2019

Faith in Action

I mowed the yard Saturday. This may not sound worth mentioning, but because I’m a new home owner, this is a brand new world for me. It was probably harder and longer for me than it would be for you seasoned yard veterans, but I am getting used to the pattern. And, I was satisfied with the outcome — a clean and spotless yard. I felt good about my yard tending!

At least until the next morning. After the rain and wind, the entire yard was covered with leaves. It was as if it had never been touched!

I then wondered if it had been worth mowing? But as I thought about it, though the yard looked untouched, there were in fact fewer leaves and I had gained in the practice of mowing. Next time would be easier
because of what I had done before.

As we move into Fall here at Asbury UMC, there are many activities we are used to because we’ve done them many times — making pasties and Fall Pantry items, selling pies and donuts, hosting the meatball dinner. Before we know it, we’ll be saying goodbye to Autumn and heading straight for winter.

But these tasks that seem to come and pass so easily build our muscles for discipleship and stewardship, outreach and service. Sometimes they seem small, but repeated over time they build into powerful actions bearing fruit in our lives and the lives of others. We are Body-of-Christ tending, not only for ourselves but for our church, our community and our world. And like my experience mowing the yard, we may see little immediate
success, but we trust it is the right thing to do and will build into greater things. Body-of-Christ
tending is not for the faint of heart.

So I encourage you this month to take a pause and consider what small action will you incorporate into your life to help tend your soul, your spirit, or the larger body of Christ and the community? Will you spend more time in silence? Will you come to church more often? Will you go to bed a little earlier? Will you send a note of care for someone?

I know that we are in a busy time, but stop now and think of what might be a small thing you could do? You may not notice the difference the first or second time you practice, but over time, the difference will show.

Will you come tend the Body of Christ with us?

Blessings and Peace,
