Starting Again — September 2020


When I was young, I LOVED the start of a new school year. It was a new, unmarked beginning. There were new things to learn, I wasn’t behind on any homework, and I could again vow to stay on top of my workload so I wouldn’t get stressed at exam time. My supplies were new and anything could happen. It was a fresh start!

For many of us, the beginning of the school year isn’t quite the fresh start we have come to expect. Yet for all Christian disciples, scripture invites us to take a fresh start every morning. Within the letter to the Romans, Paul encourages us to be transformed by renewal. This new everyday is available to us all the time, and it’s an act of grace to acknowledge a new beginning. So right now, as the school year begins, let’s take stock of where we are and what we might want the rest of 2020 to look like.

I know this year has thrown everyone for a loop, yet we can still take stock and make decisions. Our conference mission is to grow in the love of God and neighbor, reach new people, and heal a broken world. How are we doing on each of these items?

Are you taking time intentionally to grow your relationship with God? That could mean taking on new practices of journaling or spending quiet time with God. It could mean being in a group that talks about how we are growing together. It could mean reading or studying scripture or joining a study group discussion. These are only a few ways to grow in the love of God. What are you taking the time to do?

Are you growing in love of your neighbor? I like to combine this one with the next of reaching new people. Many times, our neighbor is not someone that we know well, though, in this period of staying at home, I have gotten to know more of my neighbors than before. So how are you reaching out to a neighbor or someone new? Think of someone specifically and then put some effort into getting to know them.

Finally, we are called to heal a broken world. There is much work to be done with injustice, poverty, inequity, oppression, and sickness in this world. How are you helping out? I know many of you are already involved in justice work or healing ministries. At Asbury, we are currently collecting backpacks to distribute to children going back to school. We will continue to work towards healing the world through donations, prayers, and when we are able to show up to feed and serve. Where is God calling you?

As we continue to walk together in this journey of discipleship, it is helpful to take a deep breath and look around to see where we are and where we want to go. Feel free to join me in conversation or email me and let me know where God is leading you!

Blessings and Peace,
