Take Time To Be Present — December 2021

December Penny

This past Sunday, we celebrated the First Sunday in Advent. We lit a candle symbolizing Hope, and we spoke about how we can look for and recognize Hope, or signs of the kingdom of God in our lives. In the next three weeks we’ll talk about Peace, Joy and Love as we prepare for the celebration of God in our midst — Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus’ birth offers us time each year to think about how God chose to enter our world and be present among us.

We worship God who did not choose to stay distant from us and leave us to our own doing, but rather chose to be present, instructing, guiding, giving strength and support, but also transforming and changing us if we allow and are willing. We worship God who for our sake came to live, die, defeat death with life eternal and is coming again.

I know that we think of the second coming of Christ as something in a far off time and place, and it’s true that we do not and cannot know when or exactly how the world will end. However, as I spoke about on Sunday, there are signs of God’s kingdom every day. The fact that God chose to enter into our world of human flesh tells us that we do not need to wait until the final day to partake in God’s kingdom. We can and should experience that kingdom here and now.

The word Advent means “Coming” and traditionally we have used this time as one of preparation. Get ready to celebrate. And just as many of us prepare our homes with decorations or prepare for guests to come or prepare for presents to be given, we are always asked to work on our hearts and lives to receive more and more of God’s goodness, love and transformation. But here’s the amazing grace that God provides for us, God’s love and presence with us WILL COME! Ready or not. God said, it doesn’t matter that there was no room at the inn or no place at the table, I am making a new way. And all you need to do is show up. The shepherds were on the hillside just doing their job and the angels came to them. They showed up and received the grace God offers.

So in this Advent, amidst the preparation and work, I encourage you to take time to be
present. Just receive the gift that God wants to walk with you. God wants to give you strength, courage, a new beginning and most of all, God wants you to know that you are loved. Come, join us this season and receive God’s gift with us!

Blessings and Peace,
