The Wonder and Truth To New Beginnings

PK Jan 2024

This week I went to the gym. The class was packed because it is the beginning of January. Right now, everyone is motivated to start fresh and do it right this time. My hunch is that by mid-February or March, the class might not be so full. The newness wears off and we fall into the old habits we were trying to change.

But… what if we could have that new start, a fresh beginning again and again? What if we could keep that momentum through January, February, and March until we have the new habit and have made a step forward in our goals?

That’s the beauty of life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. That’s the power of participating in a community of faith that regularly reminds us of new life, new beginnings, and fresh starts throughout the year.

Each month we begin our Sundays by celebrating communion which reminds us of God’s grace available for all. This month in particular we are reminded also of the Baptism of Jesus and the fact we are claimed by God and loved. No matter how many new starts we need, God is willing to claim and love us.

Each day we have the opportunity to offer ourselves for God’s work of love — experienced and lived through us. Last Sunday we prayed the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer which is a prayer of surrender to God trusting that God truly wants the best for us in our lives.

On January 14, we will recognize and bless the leadership of the church in this new year. We will then celebrate the work of the United Women in Faith on January 21. The Asbury Singers and Praise Team are learning new songs to celebrate and praise God.

We are people who do not give up but continue to walk with one another in this life journey of discipleship, growing, stumbling, refreshing, and renewing every day. Do you need that refresher and reminder of God’s love and community of support? I know I do.

Come join us this month as we celebrate, worship, praise, and encourage one another. New beginnings are wonderful. New beginnings are our reality in our walk of faith. New beginnings don’t have to stay in January.

Blessings and Peace,
