Being Thankful


Often times November is considered the month of gratitude, so I wanted to share with you some things on my list for which I am thankful.

First I am thankful for the witness and lives of those going before us in the faith. We celebrate by lighting candles and placing heart stones as a way of acknowledging them and the love they shared forward while with us. Our lives are rich and full because of the lives they led. I am thankful.

I am thankful for those who care for the homeless and downtrodden. As an individual, I am unable to encounter every need, but when we come together as a congregation or as many congregations (CHUM) in Duluth, we have resources to help others as the beloved children of God we all are.

I am thankful for collaboration with the West Duluth churches around us. I know community and relationships are crucial to God, so I am excited by the growing relationships between congregations in our area.

We have two opportunities to get to know each other better this month. The first is the 2nd Saturday Chum Event at Asbury on November 12 (9:00 am) where we will be baking muffins, decorating bags, and learning about the challenges of homelessness.

The second is our Community Thanksgiving Service at Asbury UMC on November 21 (6:00 pm service – 5:30 pm for choir practice if you would like to sing with the choir). After worship, we will fellowship and assemble the breakfast bags for the Lincoln Center Warming House the next morning. I am grateful for these opportunities.

Finally, I am thankful for you, our congregation. Each week we get to worship and fellowship together. Throughout the months we come together for work projects and outreach, times of sharing stories of God in our midst, and times when we support one another in living life together. I am thankful for the laughter always ready. I am thankful for the grace we carry for one another. I am thankful for you.

Thank you for being the arms and hands, voice, and presence of God in this world!

Blessings and Peace,
