Finding Peace Amidst Change — September 2022

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Welcome Fall!

As Summer winds down and we hear of schools starting back, I am reminded that changes (even good ones) can be stressful and hard. There are so many changes that happen in our lives. The seasons change, our bodies change, kids grow up and leave home, people pass away, families change, churches change, activities change.

This week I was having a hard time concentrating on my work, and so I took a break to figure out why. It turns out, I have a lot of change going on in my life right now. My eldest is going off to college and I am taking a week of time off to get him there; my other three sons are starting a new school year; the church is gearing up for fall work projects/activities and celebrating 30 years in this location; and I continue to implement new exercise and eating habits to help me be the healthiest I can be. When I look at it that way, I can say WOW! I’ve got a lot going on! No wonder I’m getting stuck knowing where to start.

This made me wonder if others of you are experiencing change as well. My guess is yes.

So I wanted to remind us all of tools we have to navigate change and stress in our lives.

First of all, naming the change and acknowledging that change is hard can go a long way to helping out. We can be reminded to be filled with grace for ourselves and the people around us who are probably struggling in their own ways.

Secondly, taking a step back to breathe deeply is important. There are quite a few meditation guides and apps that can help you structure some time to pause. One very simple exercise is to breathe in for 5 seconds and then out for 5 seconds. Keep breathing slowly for two minutes to reset your nervous system. If you are interested in learning more about meditation and methods for spending time in contemplation, let me know.

Thirdly, you can call or text a friend to lift you up in prayer. I asked for prayer from several people, and I feel like their prayers are helping me manage the changes.

Fourth, remember that God and God’s love for you never changes, no matter what. And in thinking about God’s love for you, know that this community of faith at Asbury UMC wants to walk with you through whatever changes are coming your way. With others around you to listen and help, the journey can be less stressful if not actually easier.

So whether you are excited by the coming Fall, or nervous, I encourage you to turn to your community of faith, remember God’s love for you, and keep breathing!

Blessings and Peace,
