Grounded In Love


As summer comes to a close and we head into fall, school resumes, church work projects return, and we find a new rhythm. I am reminded “change,” even good change is difficult. We like our rhythms. We like our structures and we like things that are comfortable. But one thing I know for certain is that life changes. So what do we do with the ever changing nature of the year, church, culture, society, and life?

I think one answer to this challenge is to anchor ourselves to true places of stability. Just as builders dig down past the frost line to lay a foundation that will not shift, so we cultivate practices that ground us in the Eternal source of life. These practices include worship, daily devotions, times of quiet, times of fellowship, acts of service and justice, and participation within the community of faith. There are many ways to tap into the Source of Life.

In Asbury’s vision statement, we proclaim God’s words and God’s ways are key to abundant life. And the funny thing about God’s words and ways is that while we too change in the midst of them, they grow with us. While change is still hard, God is accessible and constantly present for us.

In this season of changes, I encourage you to step into whatever change is going on in your life. Stay grounded in your connection to God, our Source of Life, and know our Asbury
community of faith is also growing, changing, and welcoming you in this journey as well.

Blessings and Peace,