The Discipline of Stewardship

Stewardship Campaign

One of the basic tenets of being a disciple is the discipline of stewardship. From the very beginning of creation God asks humankind to be stewards of the earth — to watch over and care for all beings and the earth itself. In the Old Testament, we see the concept of a tithe introduced, and thus being a good steward means giving one tenth of what we produce back to God as an offering. Jesus in the New Testament doubles down on this practice by saying not just a tithe, but all that we are and all that we have belong to God, and so our whole lives become daily
offerings to God.

Which brings us to our stewardship time throughout this month. We are exploring our “Building Blocks of Stewardship: Growing, Gratitude, Persistence, and Fulfillment.” We find these attributes exhibited in the Gospels as the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. We see Jesus healing the lepers and one receiving praise for his expression of gratitude. Then the widow who would not give up is praised for persistence. Finally we turn to Paul who gives his all to the very end, fighting to the last to fulfill his
commitment to Jesus.

All four blocks in our stewardship journey are important, as is remembering all of our behavior is first a response to the amazing love offered to each of us by God. No matter what we give or how much, it all flows from our response to God’s love.

This month we have several opportunities to experience God’s love as well as giving back as
an expression of our hearts. We kick off our Stewardship season on Sunday, October 2 as we celebrate communion with Christians all over the world.

On Sunday, October 9 we will have a service of healing where we have the opportunity to be anointed with oil and lifted up in prayer as we remember the healing of the lepers and give our gratitude.

Sunday, October 16 brings us to our Praise Sunday. We celebrate in song God’s love that persists for us.

Then on Sunday, October 23 we can bring forward our commitment cards to express our intentions for financial giving in the coming year.

We also look forward as always to our many projects; apple pies, donuts, UWF’s Fall Pantry, drive-though meatball dinner and our renewed enjoyment of song through the Asbury Singers and the Praise Team.

Please come join us on this exciting journey as we build our stewardship and our faith!

Blessings and Peace,
